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The establishment must have a documented program in place for training that includes procedures and records. The training program should document;

  • Induction training, prior to commencement of work in the food handling environment.
  • Contents of the induction training such as personal health and hygiene, GMP controls and notifications of illness.
  • Competency of assessment of training program for staff.
  • Training for relevant roles.
  • Corrective actions.

For the relevant legislative references in the Export Control (Milk and Milk Products) Rules 2021, please refer to the department’s, Approved Arrangement Checklist.

As an export manufacturer you must ensure your staff are effectively trained and are competent throughout all stages, including receival, processing, packing and storage. The level of training will depend on the level of expertise required for a role. In some instances, the person responsible may require additional qualifications outside of the organisation.

Your training procedures should describe any and all specific training needs. This will depend upon what qualifications or experience is required for each position.

After you have identified the needs for your personnel, you must determine how they are to be met with relevant training. This could be internal training from a qualified individual, or it may be outsourced to an appropriate training body. You need to describe how different types of training will be delivered to your staff in your documented training program.

Once training has been completed, you must ensure your personnel are competent in the area they have been trained in.  This may be verified by their supervisor or manager. Your documented training program needs to describe how you will determine staff competency for different types of training. 

Records for all training must be kept.  This may include, where relevant, training manuals or notes, which clearly indicate what training has been given.

A training register or matrix is a useful tool to help monitor your site training needs.  It can be used to track, identify and plan who needs training, what training they need and when they are due for refresher training, as well as verification activities and levels of competency. 

Induction training must be given before any new employees, contractors and visitors begin work or explore your site. Induction training for employees can include job-specific training such as export processes or operating various equipment, CCP training and should be refreshed regularly. Inductions for visitors and contractors can be less detailed than employees, nevertheless, must cover all aspects and activities which can impact their safety and food safety or export eligibility of your products. For inductions provided, you should assess the relative competency level to confirm their understanding and keep records for all training conducted.

Relevant staff must be trained on all relevant procedures and elements related to export specific topics such as labelling, transfer certificates and importing country requirements.

The competency assessment process is to ensure your staff have understood the training material provided, to perform specific tasks.  You may use various methods including tests, or on-the-job review of an employee to ensure they are capable of certain tasks. You are required to document such reviews as a record.

All relevant personnel must undergo training for conducting proper critical control point monitoring and recording activities. Training records must be kept confirming staff training was conducted as well as all the relevant details of the training. 

Some areas you may consider when you are documenting your training program are:

  • Have all personnel including part time, casual or contractors undergone induction training?  What information do you need to update annually?
  • Have you ensured the training is effective?  Was the trainer appropriately qualified to perform the training?
  • Do you have a training register or skills matrix which captures training needs, training given, completed and planned, for all relevant employees? Is it up to date?
  • Have you nominated a responsible person for managing or organising all training given, ensuring training is monitored and recorded?
  • Are refresher training programs given and recorded? How often is refresher training provided? How is the effectiveness of refresher training reviewed?
  • If certain employees’ qualifications expire after a certain period, such as their forklift licence, have you considered refresher training for instances like these?
  • Do training records include the date training was given? The duration of the training? Who gave the training? What material was provided for the training? Name of the person who received the training? Verification or sign off that the person undertook or attended the training?
  • Are employees supervised until they are competent? Is there a competency assessment and do you document this process?
  • Is the training appropriate for the risk level of the activity and product being manufactured?
  • Is training discussed at management reviews to determine ongoing requirements?
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Self Assessment

How much do you know about Training?

Take this short assessment to find out.

Question 1

Ashley is the production manager at a rapidly growing dairy establishment and is responsible for induction training of new staff. Four new employees have started working today in the food handling area. Ashley does not have time to carry out induction training today, and all the new employees have had experience working at a dairy facility in the past, so she decides the new staff do not require induction training.

Is Ashley correct to skip induction training?